Once upon a time, someone cut the cheese...
Version 1
It was Harold, the man who worked at the deli.
His name was actually John, but he really liked to "hold hair", so there you go.
His loving sister's name was terrible Tabitha.
Terrible Tabitha disliked everyone!
Except for Francisco...she had a crush on him!
An Orange Crush.
"That is a delicious soda," said the green sheep.
The sheep slurped it down as if it were going out of style.
In fact, it was going out of style.
Just like parachute pants and aviator jackets and passing gas in public.
What a great day.
Version 2
Wow, did it stink!
Not as bad as that brown stuff on the bottom of the cupboard, though.
But that brown stuff isn't nearly as bad as purple oatmeal.
Ewwww...purple oatmeal!
"That only tastes good under water,"
said the angry monk while he baked the monastery bread.
The monastery bread had worms in it.
and the cheese had maggots!
...all squirmy and wormy and creepy.
Just like Santa.
Everyone love Santa, of course.
Version 3
...right off the top of the pizza.
Then, left at the soda fountain, and straight until you reach the condiment dispenser.
Which was broken so they had to go to the next one that was a whopping two miles away.
Aw, man...that fartin' man hated walking far away.
He liked staying around in his own stink.
Unfortunately, so did everyone else, and so his stink became very crowded and popular.
He was very disappointed and he cried.
He cried so hard that he slapped himself silly!
then he rolled down the hill and into a ditch...never to be heard from again.
Version 4
Then they cut the grass.
The police questioned them about this activity.
Which was not surprising at all.
only surprise parties are surprising when some burns the house down.
And sings, "Burning Down the House."
While burning down the house.
Which is an extremely scary and dangerous task.
"Aw, man, I don't like doing that!" said Lynae.
"Quiet down, Blondie!" said the grumpy old trucker.
So Blondie stole his truck and drove to Albuquerque where she lived the rest of her days as a long haul trucker.
The End (x 4).